News, blogs & events
BLOG | January 17, 2018 | Cleaning house — Experimental evidence on improving citizen engagement in…Measuring the effect of civic leadership training
BLOG | December 13, 2017 | Supporting local learning and adaptation – Unpacking the effectiveness of…What do adaptive processes look like in practice?
BLOG | December 12, 2017 | Time enough to learn? Seeking the conditions for actionable learningWhat's needed for learning and adaptation in tech for transparency…
BLOG | December 6, 2017 | Learning to Make All Voices Count – lessons for OGP,…Applying locally-owned, adaptive approaches to governance reform
NEWS | December 6, 2017 | Making All Voices Count awarded 2017 Market Research Society President’s…
EVENT | December 5, 2017 | MAVC Director gives keynote address on social accountability at Citizen…Dr Tembo's speech, which will be looking at "The rise…
BLOG | November 22, 2017 | What does it take to make research used and useful?…Sharing evidence in usable ways
BLOG | November 22, 2017 | Learning to Make All Voices CountLocalising the Open Government Partnership
NEWS | November 22, 2017 | Greater than the sum of its parts: impact of the…Learning together about different aspects of collective work in South…
BLOG | November 21, 2017 | Class divisions in technology accessMobile ownership, class divisions and new digital inequalities
NEWS | November 16, 2017 | Trac FM: Increasing effectiveness and government response to CSO campaigns…Generating data through radio polls to demand transparency and accountability
NEWS | November 16, 2017 | MOPA: How an app generates data that help clean-up MaputoImproving Maputo's waste collection through participatory monitoring
NEWS | November 15, 2017 | LENGGO: Public budget tracking holds Kenyan county governments to accountAmplifying citizen voices in budget-making processes
BLOG | November 14, 2017 | Citizen accountability in a time of FacebookTech-enabled accountability in historical context
BLOG | November 13, 2017 | Adaptiveness through ‘simplest tools and practices’Putting adaptiveness into practice
NEWS | November 8, 2017 | Call for session proposals: RightsCon Toronto 2018The world’s "leading event on human rights in the digital…
BLOG | November 7, 2017 | The effects of tech-driven accountability approaches on power, politics and…Reflections on the most effective pathways to citizen engagement and…
NEWS | November 3, 2017 | Balangay wins People’s Award at Global Innovation Week 2017An open cloud information system helps risk prone communities in…
BLOG | October 24, 2017 | Using what we know: How to ensure tech projects meet…Lessons from MAVC on making tech effective
NEWS | October 23, 2017 | Oil Journey: Following the money from oil revenue to improve…Revealing to Ghanaians how much money the government makes from…
BLOG | October 23, 2017 | Are you doing what’s needed to get the state to…Three challenges from Making All Voices Count research on responsive…
NEWS | October 20, 2017 | TIMBY: Evidence-based reporting of environmental crimes in LiberiaMixing solid data gathering and creative storytelling for accountability
NEWS | October 18, 2017 | Game My Village: Improving and inspiring village participatory planning in…Building relationships of trust and transparency between villagers and local…
EVENT | October 11, 2017 | Making All Voices Count Learning Event in IndonesiaLearning from Indonesia's #tech4gov programmes
EVENT | October 11, 2017 | Adapting for Change – Making All Voices Count Learning Event…A forum on innovations for better governance
EVENT | October 11, 2017 | Working with local government – Making All Voices Count Event…How complex is it to make tech for governance really…
EVENT | October 11, 2017 | Know your context – Making All Voices Count Learning Event…Discussing the importance of mapping your context in #tech4gov
EVENT | October 11, 2017 | Making All Voices Count Kenya close-out eventWhat have we learned from Making All Voices Count projects…
NEWS | October 10, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – October 2017
BLOG | October 9, 2017 | Anjali Nayar: A storyteller that innovates for social changeMaking the collection and sharing of data easy so communities…
EVENT | October 6, 2017 | What data do we want? Understanding demands for open dataWhat kind of open data do civil society organisations actually…
BLOG | October 4, 2017 | Antya Widita: The social innovator using open data for positive…Using open data to create opportunities for citizens to collectively…
EVENT | October 4, 2017 | Appropriating Technology for AccountabilityLessons from Making All Voices Count
BLOG | September 28, 2017 | Czarina Medina-Guce: The social innovator proving that #opengov worksInsights from a social innovator on troubleshooting national governance platforms…
EVENT | September 22, 2017 | Global Innovation Week 2017Ensuring that innovation in development helps people progress beyond assistance
BLOG | September 21, 2017 | Frei Sangil: The social innovator behind Balangay in the PhilippinesLearn and get inspired from one of the youngest social…
BLOG | September 21, 2017 | Why development needs innovation scoutsThe challenges of funding technology innovation in the development sector…
EVENT | September 19, 2017 | Civic Tech Innovation Network Meeting in South AfricaLearning together through the Making All Voices Count Community of…
NEWS | September 19, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – September 2017
EVENT | September 18, 2017 | Webinar: What does tech deliver for citizen voice and accountability…Citizen voice, technology and accountability in health systems
NEWS | September 13, 2017 | Buntwani 2017: Learning from tech-enabled initiatives that #LeaveNoOneBehind
BLOG | September 13, 2017 | Fear of being a cybercriminal vs. freedom online: Insights from…Putting Tanzania's Cybercrimes Act in the spotlight
BLOG | September 6, 2017 | ‘Winning’ the elections using tech4gov: Are voters willing to buy…Using technology to gauge Pakistan's public opinion in real-time
NEWS | August 29, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – August 2017
BLOG | August 22, 2017 | Practitioner reflections on the diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgeting…Lessons in participatory budgeting from Indonesia
BLOG | August 17, 2017 | Chronicling the expansion and contraction of participatory budgeting in Asia…How has participatory budgeting been adapted to different contexts of…
EVENT | July 31, 2017 | GPSA Global Partners Forum 2017Global summit on social accountability for development
BLOG | July 20, 2017 | Women’s votes matter: unpacking gender politics in a Pakistani mega-cityHow political parties do - or don't - aggregate women's…
NEWS | July 18, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – July 2017
EVENT | July 17, 2017 | Internet Governance Forum 2017: Shape Your Digital FutureExchanging information and sharing good practices on public policy issues…
EVENT | July 17, 2017 | Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF)Advancing Internet governance development in the Asia Pacific region
EVENT | July 14, 2017 | “First, Do No Harm” — Privacy, Data Security, and the…Treating citizen data with the respect it deserves
BLOG | July 12, 2017 | Practitioner reflections on digital technologies and citizen participation in the…Why are digital and social divides still hindering citizen participation…
BLOG | July 6, 2017 | Learning to make the political personal, and other lessons from…The challenge of engaging with local contexts for OGP implementation
BLOG | July 6, 2017 | Understanding how to learn in LiberiaWhat matters in doing research for accountability?
BLOG | July 5, 2017 | Peer learning on tech-enabled approaches to citizen participation in the…Generating evidence-based guidance from practitioners on digital technology and citizen…
BLOG | July 3, 2017 | Insights that will last: making innovation projects countWays to make lessons learned endure beyond the innovation project…
BLOG | June 29, 2017 | In search of productive local councillor-civil society engagement in South…What makes a responsive councillor? Understanding local elected leaders
NEWS | June 28, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – June 2017
BLOG | June 20, 2017 | Tech innovation hubs: A way forward towards policy engagement and…How could tech innovation hubs contribute to a more vibrant…
BLOG | June 20, 2017 | Learning from tech use in the development sectorHow do international development organisations use ICT solutions in their…
BLOG | June 14, 2017 | More accountable systems for tackling sexual abuse and rape in…Combating child sexual abuse and gender-based violence in Liberia
EVENT | June 8, 2017 | Webinar: ICT-mediated citizen engagement: Voice or Chatter?Shaping governance through citizen engagement with ICTs
BLOG | June 7, 2017 | Ratings and responsiveness in South Africa: Site visits with YowzitBeyond reviews of services to deeper engagement for government responsiveness
BLOG | June 1, 2017 | The story of two tech platformsYowzit and UX reflect, learn and share stories of their…
NEWS | May 30, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – May 2017Tech-enabled approaches to accountable governance: three event reports
EVENT | May 30, 2017 | Information, innovation and feedback in PakistanLearning from MAVC projects in Pakistan
BLOG | May 24, 2017 | Looking back on Map KiberaLearning about the impact of interactive community mapping
BLOG | May 24, 2017 | A bottom-up initiative empowering grassroots communities in IndonesiaTransforming Indonesian cities to be more livable, sustainable, and adaptable…
EVENT | May 23, 2017 | 5th Global Conference on Transparency ResearchScholarly research on governmental transparency
BLOG | May 23, 2017 | Youth in Action: How Jakarta can say “No” to disasterIncreasing young citizens’ awareness of the potential danger should a…
EVENT | May 22, 2017 | Data Investigation CampUsing data for evidence-based campaigning
BLOG | May 22, 2017 | Open Cities: Firefighting at your fingertips in IndonesiaHelping the Jakarta Fire Department improve their public service delivery
BLOG | May 18, 2017 | Engage, incubate and collaborate: How we innovate and help make…Opening up opportunities for citizens and civil society to influence…
EVENT | May 9, 2017 | The State of Accountability ConferenceWidening the possibility of global knowledge sharing on the state…
EVENT | May 9, 2017 | Tech4PRI practitioner learning eventSharing learning on ICTs for citizen engagement in the Philippines
EVENT | May 2, 2017 | Stockholm Internet Forum 2017Access, power and gender - how open and secure internet…
NEWS | May 2, 2017 | Research, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – April 2017New research: Peer learning for accountability; citizen-generated data; social accountability…
BLOG | May 2, 2017 | Digital technologies excludeDynamics of digital exclusion in the Philippines
EVENT | April 27, 2017 | Feedback Summit 2017Exploring feedback loops as tools for building responsive, democratic and…
EVENT | April 25, 2017 | Webinar: Is capacity development worth it?Understanding the benefits of capacity development
BLOG | April 19, 2017 | How to work with government teamsTrust-building precedes problem-solving while you observe, observe, observe
NEWS | April 6, 2017 | Balangay: A mobile app for disseminating disaster information in PhilippinesLocal government adopts a mobile app to reduce vulnerability to…
NEWS | April 6, 2017 | Bits & Bytes: technology and innovation in Tanzania
BLOG | April 5, 2017 | Voice in the Indian context: furthering accountabilityParadoxes of democratic accountability in a digital age
EVENT | April 4, 2017 | Revisiting tools and platforms for accountability in emergencies in the…Validating research on accountability in emergencies
EVENT | March 31, 2017 | Africa Open Data Conference 2017Creating regional attention and global awareness of open data use…
EVENT | March 31, 2017 | ICT4D Conference 2017Harnessing the power of data for the Sustainable Development Goals
EVENT | March 28, 2017 | How does civic tech help make change happen?Learning on pathways to change in accountable governance from four…
BLOG | March 28, 2017 | Whose voice really counts? Machine politics and citizen voice aggregation…Political parties and citizen voice aggregation in urban Pakistan
BLOG | March 21, 2017 | Citizen-generated data in the information ecosystemExploring links for sustainable development
EVENT | March 12, 2017 | The change we want: How do technologies help make it…Learning about how change happens from Making All Voices Count…
EVENT | March 12, 2017 | Workshop: Tech hubs and citizen engagement in policy-makingHave tech hubs had an impact on how citizens engage…
BLOG | March 8, 2017 | Rating post-rape services as a tool for accountability to rape…Developing an app for rating post-rape services in South Africa
BLOG | March 7, 2017 | Learning to Make All Voices Count: Pursuing openness through iterative…Structured, iterative approaches to programming for open government champions
BLOG | February 28, 2017 | Technology and transformed governance in IndonesiaIncreasing citizen participation in government decision-making
BLOG | February 22, 2017 | Political language and political action: An OGP lesson for South…Where now for engaging the OGP in South Africa?
BLOG | February 20, 2017 | A people’s movement reflects and adapts to move forwardAction research, adaptive learning and participatory video to challenge rights…
EVENT | February 9, 2017 | Panel discussion: Open government in the Philippines – prospects and…The sustainabilty of government-led reforms in light of the political…