Event | April 27, 2017 | 09:00-10:30

Making All Voices Count has supported innovation, scaling, and research to deepen existing innovations and help harness new technologies to enable citizen engagement and government responsiveness. In order to help it achieve its goals, the programme instituted a capacity development strategy to support its grantees in implementing their projects. Under this strategy, it identifed gaps in the skill sets or knowledge of grantee that could adversely impact the implementation of the projects. It then matched the grantees with mentors or fellows who could provide skills, guidance and direction, as well as share their expertise, experiences and network. The areas that were available for capacity building included government engagement, theory of change, technology, data presentationa nd sharing and stakeholder engagement.

The South to South Lab is hosting a webinar to try and understand the benefits of capacity development, and assess how Making All Voices Count has performed in this regard compared to other funding programmes.

The webinar will include inputs from four Making All Voices Count funded partners who have received capacity development support, and give them a chance to share their experiences.

Facilitators: Hazel Mugo (Learning Officer, Ushahidi) and June Mwangi (Finance Officer, Ushahidi)


  • Moses Boateng, SAVE Ghana (Ghana)
  • Frederico P. Silva, UX-MOPA (Mozambique)
  • Luavut Zahid, Hamara Internet (Pakistan)
  • Maxence M. Melo, Jamii Media (Tanzania)
  • Antya Widita, Open Data Lab (Indonesia)

If you would like to join the webinar, please email (staicy@ushahidi.com), who will forward you a WebEx Link.
