How public are public reporting tools?
Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG)
“Openness is a basic necessity for a modern government, and a key to unlocking Indonesia’s potential in the economy and public service sector, as well as driving an increase in innovation” — Open Government Partnership
May 2015 End date
November 2016
Over the last three years there has been a surge of public reporting tools in Indonesia, using technology to ensure the public can directly and openly report on the availability and functionality of government services.
One of the most well-known is LAPOR!, which was launched in 2012 and is often cited as the most successful of its kind.
Government actors on the ministerial, national and local level have tried to roll out more LAPOR!-style tools, but these have been met with varying degrees of success and public engagement. The ‘supply’ of these tools is currently outweighing the ‘demand’ and it is clear that the existence of public reporting tools does not automatically lead to improved communication between citizens and the state.
This study, led by The Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG), seeks to identify the factors which lead to the success or failure of existing public reporting tools. Through mixed research methods, the study aims to answer the following questions:
- To what extent have public reporting tools reached their objectives?
- Who are the actual users of such tools? Who is still excluded from the platform?
- What are the drivers and barriers in implementing a public reporting tool?
Through this study, the CIPG team will question whether public reporting tools are actually increasing the capacity of the state to deliver public services, and provide recommendations for improving the effectiveness of public reporting tools in Indonesia.
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The Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG) is a research-based advisory group that aspires to excel in the area of science, technology, innovation and governance. CIPG has four main activities: research, consultancy/advisory, capacity building and policy intervention.
CIPG are holding a public discussion in November 2016 to launch the findings of the research. Learn more about about the event here
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