PUBLICATIONClient experience of rape victims accessing governmental post-rape services in…
Developing an e-governance ratings app for delivery of post-rape services…
PUBLICATIONBuilding an ecosystem around data: using interactive radio for accountability…
Using data from IVR and radio to make agricultural extension…
PROJECTResearch,The diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgetingBoise State University
PUBLICATIONShifting the spotlight: understanding crowdsourcing intermediaries in transparency and accountability…
Exploring the role of crowdsourcing intermediaries as gatekeepers of citizen…
BLOGA people’s movement reflects and adapts to move forwardKaren Brock
Action research, adaptive learning and participatory video to challenge rights…
PROJECTResearch,Citizen use of digital tools to effect government responsivenessInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTPractitioner research,Map Kibera: Learning from six years of digital citizen engagementGround Truth Initiative
PUBLICATIONFeasibility and acceptability of a mobile phone intervention to improve…
An mHealth innovation for more accountable post-rape services in South…
PUBLICATIONExploring the potential for interactive radio to improve accountability and…
Combining radio and digital technology to aggregate farmer feedback for…
BLOGBridging the gap: Churches and communities engaging for accountable governanceCiana-Marie Pegus
Research on churches, community advocacy and government accountability in Uganda…
PUBLICATIONParticipatory budgeting in Indonesia: past, present and future
Participatory budgeting in Indonesia: technical exercise or space for citizen…
BLOGExploring tech innovation hubsPreston Whitt
Classifying African tech hubs as a step to understanding how…
EVENTParliamentary research launch: The role of local churches in fostering…January 24, 2017
Parliamentary launch of research on churches and social accountability
PROJECTPractitioner research,ICT utilisation for improving citizen participation in village development planningSinergantara
PROJECTPractitioner research,Action research on the Free State Housing CampaignQholaqhwe Advice Centre
PROJECTPractitioner research,Using a developmental evaluation approach to support citizen engagement and…The Global Citizens' Initiative
EVENTPublic discussion: Village financial management in Indonesia – solution or…January 10, 2017
BLOGOn doing the right thing rightPedro Prieto Martin
Drivers and barriers to adaptation and learning in T4T&A
PUBLICATIONGoing vertical: citizen-led reform campaigns in the Philippines
Learning from successful vertically integrated civil society-led reform campaigns in…
PUBLICATIONCrowdsourcing citizen feedback on district development in Ghana using interactive…
Can crowdsourced citizen feedback about development priorities help make tools…
PROJECTPractitioner research,Evaluating and shaping the OGP’s engagement in TanzaniaOxfam and Tamasha
PROJECTPractitioner research,Pathways to accountability for marginalised communities – negotiating the possibilities…Institute of Development Studies
PUBLICATIONScaling accountability through vertically integrated civil society policy monitoring and…
Informing more strategic approaches to transparency, participation and accountability
BLOGOpening governance with a new generation in LiberiaBlair Glencorse and Heather Gilberds
Incentives, impact and progress of the accountability agenda in Liberia
PUBLICATIONMaking coordination a catalyst for the Open Government Partnership in…
Enhancing interdepartmental coordination for Open Government Partnership (OGP) implementation
PUBLICATIONHas Kenya’s ICT revolution triggered more citizen participation?
Does Kenya's ICT revolution transform e-government into e-governance?
PUBLICATIONWhat happens when policy champions move on? The case of…
When champions of a developmental approach to social welfare move…
PUBLICATIONHow does government responsiveness come about? The politics of accountability…
How state and non-state actors sharing the same urgency in…
PROJECTResearch,Learning to make all voices countGlobal Integrity
PROJECTPractitioner research,Monitoring and supporting the Kenyan government to achieve its OGP…Constitution and Reform Education Consortium (CRECO)
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Deepening meaningful civil society and local government partnerships in the…INCITEGov
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Universities and knowledge partnerships for open governmentJesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance (JRIG)
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Open government: assessing the utilisation of e-planning and e-budgeting of…Perkumpulan Prakarsa Indonesia
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Increasing access to legal information in South AfricaDemocratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU)
PUBLICATIONLessons from Yowzit’s practitioner research and learning process
How to effectively deploy and scale tech for governance platforms…
PUBLICATIONBridging the gap: the role of local churches in fostering…
Churches as intermediaries in fostering local government accountability in Uganda
PROJECTResearch,Vertical integration of CSO monitoring and advocacyAccountability Research Center
PUBLICATIONConnecting the dots: The coordination challenge for the Open Government…
Coordination of government departments to share data
BLOGVoice or chatter: towards new meanings of citizen engagementDeepti Bharthur
Conditions that shape ICT-mediated citizen engagement
PROJECTPractitioner research,Thuthuzela voices for accountable post-rape servicesFoundation for Professional Development
PROJECTResearch,Closing the feedback loop in South African local governanceMassachusetts Institute of Technology
PROJECTResearch,‘Yesterday’: daily mobile-centric communications practices in South AfricaNetwork Society Project, University of Witwatersrand
PROJECTResearch,Better together? Examining the effect of civic education on local…Massachusetts Institute of Technology Governance Lab
PROJECTResearch,An evaluative learning study of the Ghana Open Data InitiativeSchool of International Development, University of East Anglia (DEVCo)
PROJECTPractitioner research,Examining effective budget communication for citizensBudgIT Information Technology Network
PROJECTResearch,Politics, voice and responsiveness in urban PakistanInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,Understanding government reactions to transparency and accountability demandsInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,Social accountability for ending extreme poverty: researching an advocacy strategyInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,Doing ‘digital development’ differently?Institute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,How do empowered citizens make a more accountable state?Institute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,ICT-facilitated accountability and engagement in health systemsInstitute of Development Studies
PUBLICATIONEngaging with local communities to prevent violence: what role for…
Can ICTs prevent violence in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda?
PUBLICATIONWomen and the right of access to information
Pathways and barriers to women's access to information in Bangladesh
PROJECTResearch,Translating complex realities through technologySustainable Livelihoods Foundation
PROJECTPractitioner research,Mahina Masohi: Collective action for accountability in IndonesiaPEKKA
PROJECTResearch,Tools and platforms supporting accountability during emergencies in the PhilippinesCenter for Disaster Preparedness
PROJECTPractitioner research,Tech4Participation research initiativeANSA-EAP
PUBLICATIONAccountability ecosystems: directions of accountability and points of engagement
ICTs in accountability relationships - what matters apart from the…
PROJECTPractitioner research,How local churches foster local-level social accountability and governanceTearfund
PROJECTPractitioner research,Next generation accountability in Liberia: learning about the futureAccountability Lab
PROJECTPractitioner research,Improving government accountability and responsiveness to small-scale farmers in TanzaniaFarm Radio International
PROJECTResearch,Are tech innovation hubs changing how citizens and governments work…Results for Development Institute
PROJECTPractitioner research,Improving complaints referral mechanisms for greater transparency and accountabilityTransparency International
PROJECTPractitioner research,More voices, better choicesVOTO Mobile
PROJECTResearch,How does social division stop marginalised people in Kenya from…Institute of Development Studies
PROJECTPractitioner research,Cooperation: the vital missing ingredient in the government open data…Open Democracy Advice Centre
PROJECTPractitioner research,Improving the transparency, inclusivity and impact of participatory budgeting in…Kota Kita
PROJECTResearch,Voice or chatter? Developing a theory of ICT-mediated citizen engagementIT for Change
PROJECTPractitioner research,Citizen-generated data in the information ecosystem and sustainable developmentDevelopment Initiatives
PROJECTResearch,Vertically-integrated policy monitoring and advocacy initiatives in the PhilippinesAteneo School of Government
PROJECTResearch,Promoting accountability of Village Law implementation through an ICT-based forum…PATTIRO - Center for Regional Information and Studies
PUBLICATIONWhy is it so hard for non-state actors to be…
Barriers faced by citizens and other non-state actors face in…
PROJECTUnderstanding implementation and impact of ICT for governance initiativesBandung Institute of Governance Studies (BIGS)
PROJECTResearch,Recruiting and mobilising citizen auditors in KenyaUniversity College London
PROJECTPractitioner research,Exploring new ways of engaging women in governanceGlobal Communities
PROJECTResearch,How public are public reporting tools?Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG)
PROJECTResearch,When does the state listen?Institute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,Cross-learning in the accountability of public health and nutrition services…Institute of Development Studies
PROJECTPractitioner research,Customisation of Muncipal Barometer to meet citizens’ data needsCentre for Municipal Research and Advice
PROJECTResearch,Reconceptualising intermediationInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,Evolving a global open e-governance indexFoundation for Media Alternatives (FMA)
PROJECTResearch,Exploring women’s right to information in BangladeshCarter Center
PROJECTPractitioner research,‘Jobs to be done’ for e-governanceYowzit
BLOGResearch, evidence and ethics in ‘civic tech’ – a call…Rosemary McGee
Why evidence is not at the centre of civic tech…
PUBLICATIONHow can ICT initiatives improve rural water supply?
Lessons learned from Uganda and Timor Leste on ICTs for…
EVENTThe Impacts of Civic Technology Conference 2016April 27, 2016
PROJECTResearch,Improving the selection and use of ICT tools for accountable…Engine room
PUBLICATIONSometimes it is about the tech: choosing tools in South…
How to better understand the process of finding effective digital…
BLOGOpen government or new boys’ club?Duncan Edwards
Reflections on inclusion in open governance
NEWSNew IDS Bulletin debunks Myths around Open Data and Open…February 02, 2016
BLOGSouth Africa’s social welfare system: what happens to policy when…Aalia Cassim
Strong networks for evidence needed when policy reform champions leave
NEWS7 new Practitioner Research & Learning Grants bridging the divide…December 02, 2015
NEWSSeven New Research Grants to Understand What Works in Technology…October 22, 2015
BLOGResponsibility leads to responsiveness: Lessons on using ICTs to improve…Jen Williams
Using technology to report on water service issues
BLOGHow do ICTs improve access to water services?Jen Williams
Which tech solutions improve water supply in rural areas?
PROJECTResearch,Investigating the role of anonymity in online governanceTactical Tech
PROJECTResearch,Lessons from ICT projects to improve rural water suppliesWaterAid
PROJECTResearch,Preventing violence through community-level monitoringAction Support Centre
BLOGTesting the waters: How ICT reporting improves rural water suppliesJen Williams
Key factors for successful ICTs in water supply services
PUBLICATIONTesting the waters: a qualitative comparative analysis of the factors…
Success factors in using ICTs for sustainable water supplies
NEWSUnpacking Making All Voices Count’s Research & Evidence StrategyJune 11, 2015
NEWSMaking All Voices Count’s Research and Evidence StrategyMay 29, 2015
BLOGAccountable governance inside out and outside inRosie McGee
‘Seeing the citizen’ - how can states respond to citizen…
BLOGUsing ICTs to support local responses to conflict and violenceSteven Leach, Richard Smith, Chas Morrison and Laura Payne
How to promote the dynamic of inter-communal trust
BLOGCan ICT innovation adequately support conflict prevention?Steven Leach, Richard Smith, Chas Morrison and Laura Payne
Communication tools for conflict early warning
BLOGTechnology, communications and conflict prevention in ZanzibarSteven Leach ,Richard Smith,Chas Morrison and Laura Payne
Improving conflict warning communications
PUBLICATIONBridging and bonding: improving links between accountability actors
Documenting the first Learning and Inspiration Event hosted by Making…
NEWSHow Useful are RCTs in Evaluating Transparency & Accountability Projects?October 06, 2014
PUBLICATIONGovernment responsiveness
What does government responsiveness consist of, and what can make…
PUBLICATIONOn speaking, mediation, representation and listening
What is citizen voice, and how can it be supported?
PUBLICATIONThe question of inclusiveness
Reflections on inclusion in ICT-mediated citizen engagement