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Social accountability for ending extreme poverty: researching an advocacy strategy

Institute of Development Studies

Project type Research 

Country Haiti 

Support £48,000

In partnership with Quisqueya University, Haiti
“There is little doubt that scaling up ‘extreme poverty graduation’ programmes has the potential to make a decisive contribution to development priorities.” — Quisqueya University


is the rate of extreme poverty in rural Haiti, which remains unchanged since 2001


of the Haitian population received social assistance benefits in 2012

Start date
May 2016
End date
July 2017
Period: 15 months


World Bank analysis indicates that without special measures, Haiti will not meet the target of reducing extreme poverty to less than 3% by 2030.

The non-governmental organisation Fonkoze uses the ‘extreme poverty graduation’ approach to tackle this problem, which has already moved more than 5,000 households out of extreme poverty and continues to empower poor women.


The graduation approach could also support the government’s strategic development plan for poverty reduction.

Fonkoze advocates for government support for this approach, and uses its evidence base – including the media, radio and film – to advocate for a national graduation policy.

This action research project will map how such an advocacy strategy can increase a government’s social accountability to the extreme poor.


The lead researcher is Martin Greeley at the Institute of Development Studies. The Institute of Development Studies is a leading global institution for development research, teaching and learning, and impact and communications. It is based at the University of Sussex, UK.
