PROJECTThe diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgeting
Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, The Philippines, -
PROJECTCitizen use of digital tools to effect government responsiveness
The Philippines, -
PROJECTLearning to make all voices count
Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, The Philippines, -
PROJECTVertical integration of CSO monitoring and advocacy
India, Mexico, The Philippines, -
PROJECTClosing the feedback loop in South African local governance
South Africa, -
PROJECT‘Yesterday’: daily mobile-centric communications practices in South Africa
South Africa, -
PROJECTBetter together? Examining the effect of civic education on local…
The Philippines, -
PROJECTAn evaluative learning study of the Ghana Open Data Initiative
Ghana, -
PROJECTPolitics, voice and responsiveness in urban Pakistan
Pakistan, -
PROJECTUnderstanding government reactions to transparency and accountability demands
PROJECTSocial accountability for ending extreme poverty: researching an advocacy strategy
Haiti, -
PROJECTDoing ‘digital development’ differently?
Kenya, -
PROJECTHow do empowered citizens make a more accountable state?
Kenya, South Africa, -
PROJECTICT-facilitated accountability and engagement in health systems
Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, -
PROJECTTranslating complex realities through technology
South Africa, -
PROJECTTools and platforms supporting accountability during emergencies in the Philippines
The Philippines, -
PROJECTAre tech innovation hubs changing how citizens and governments work…
Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, The Philippines, -
PROJECTHow does social division stop marginalised people in Kenya from…
Kenya, -
PROJECTVoice or chatter? Developing a theory of ICT-mediated citizen engagement
Brazil, Colombia, India, Kenya, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain, The Philippines, Uruguay, -
PROJECTVertically-integrated policy monitoring and advocacy initiatives in the Philippines
The Philippines, -
PROJECTPromoting accountability of Village Law implementation through an ICT-based forum…
Indonesia, -
PROJECTRecruiting and mobilising citizen auditors in Kenya
Kenya, -
PROJECTHow public are public reporting tools?
Indonesia, -
PROJECTWhen does the state listen?
Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, -
PROJECTCross-learning in the accountability of public health and nutrition services…
Bangladesh, Pakistan, -
PROJECTReconceptualising intermediation
Georgia, Greece, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Tanzania, The Philippines, Uganda, -
PROJECTEvolving a global open e-governance index
Colombia, India, Pakistan, The Philippines, Uganda, -
PROJECTExploring women’s right to information in Bangladesh
Bangladesh, -
PROJECTImproving the selection and use of ICT tools for accountable…
Kenya, South Africa, -
PROJECTInvestigating the role of anonymity in online governance
Kenya, South Africa, -
PROJECTLessons from ICT projects to improve rural water supplies
Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, -
PROJECTPreventing violence through community-level monitoring
South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda,