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Cek Sekolah-Ku: Check my school

Transparency International

“Developments in information and communication technology have opened up a wealth of new opportunities for engaging the public in monitoring public schools' performance” — Sekar Ratnaningtyas, TI Indonesia


corruption cases have been reported in Indonesia's education sector between 2004 and 2013

USD 51.5 million

is the state loss because of corruption in the education sector

Start date
March 2015
End date
September 2016
Period: 19 months


Indonesia's constitution demands that at least 20% of the state budget at national and local levels should be spent on education. But while commitment at this scale is commendable, it is not enough to ensure that the money is spent well, and that children are getting better teachers, better classrooms, and better education.

At the heart of the problems in the educational system is systemic corruption and poor governance. Without the systems and processes to track the money and how it is spent, public officials working in the education sector are simply not accountable for the money they are entrusted with. Between 2004 and 2013, 296 corruption cases in the education sector have been reported, amounting to a total loss of around USD 51.5 million.


With this project, Transparency International aims to improve transparency and accountability in the education sector of Indonesia.

The project uses a Complaint Handling Mechanism, consisting of SMS and a website, to enable feedback from communities on the conditions of education in their region. These reports will be collected and responded to by the local government, who are a key part of the project. Reports are also shared with parents, teachers and students, whose input is key in pressuring local government to act and respond.

The project team aims to build trust and participation among the communities and local governments they are working with and, ultimately, to make education authorities and schools themselves more open and transparent in the management of school funds.

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