“Balebegong provides an alternative space for citizens to voice their experiences and concerns with public service delivery in Bali” — Sloka Institute
Over 75%
Of public services in Bali were identified as not complying with public service standards - Ombudsman Bali Survey, October 2014
Over 1500
Hits per day Balebegong.net
June 2015 End date
December 2015
In 2014, the Indonesian government launched its first Universal Health Insurance Scheme (BPJS Kesehatan) to ensure all citizens across the country have access to basic health care.
Under the scheme, all citizens should now be able to access a range of health services provided by public facilities, as well as services from a few private organisations that have opted to join the scheme as providers. However, implementation of the scheme has come under serious criticism, with reports of hospitals still turning away poorer patients, who are paid for by the government, in favour of private patients who pay the hospital directly.
The Sloka Institute have outlined three key problem areas for the BPJS:
- There are no clear standards of service that should provided under the scheme
- There is no monitoring of the services people actually get
- There is no complaint mechanism, or channel through which citizens can give feedback.
To improve this situation and deliver truly universal coverage, the project will deliver systematic citizen monitoring of BPJS services in Bali. It will use this monitoring data to support advocacy activities around service improvement, and train local government units (SKPDs) to understand and investigate complaints raised via Sloka’s existing online platform, Balebegong.net.
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Sloka Institute is a non-governmental organisation working in the field of media development, journalism, and information.
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