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ICT for improved health & education services in Ghana


“This project aims to deliver a well informed government on the nature and quality of information demanded by citizens.” — Jerry Sam, Penplusbytes


of grade six students are proficient in mathematics


of grade six students are proficient in English

Start date
April 2015
End date
August 2016
Period: 17 months


Poor health and education services continually rank top of list of concerns for citizens in Ghana, and consistently rank as the key areas where action is being demanded from the government.

In the last 5 years, the government has taken major steps in publishing information about planning and budgeting for public services, but information alone does not lead to improved services. Ordinary Ghanaians still have very few opportunities to influence government planning, to demand improvements in services and to hold government to account if these are not delivered. This is where PenPlusBytes comes in.


Penplusbytes is working to make sure that ordinary people in Ada and Tamale have a say in how health, education and sanitation services are designed, and are able to complain when these services go wrong.

Using interactive online platforms, SMS and local radio, the team support opportunities for people to ask questions, to get the information they want, and to connect directly with government agencies - who are a key partner in the project.

See how the project has been making a difference in 2015:

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Penplusbytes is committed to enhancing governance by deepening citizen’s participation through ICT. Penplusbytes’ overarching philosophy is that establishing effective working relationships with governments, parliaments, corporate organisations, donors, international organisations, non-profits organisations and citizens is the key to being relevant and delivering value.

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