Face2Face: Widening Local Dialogue in Mozambique
Centro de Apoio à Informação e Comunicação Comunitária (CAICC)
“There is, in the district level, what one could only call a climate of fear. If you speak up, you’re get singled out. It’s not that you expect to be shot or arrested, but you do expect some kind of reprisal such as being relocated or not able to find a job.” — Polly Gaster, Face2Face Project Lead
year the Right to Information Law introduced
21 days
time in which responses to FOI requests must be provided
August 2015 End date
August 2016
Mozambique’s new Right to Information Law obliges public institutions to release information to any citizen requesting it.
Annual activity plans and budgets, audit reports, and contracts are just some of the documents which are legally available to everyone, providing new opportunities to demand government accountability. However, despite the progressive nature of the Law, it remains largely untested. Awareness among both citizens and government officials is low, and there is little information on how well the law is working in practice.
The Face 2 Face project creates a network of public platforms to address the issue of political inclusion for rural communities in Mozambique through the Right to Information Law (RTI).
The project supports the preparation of right to information requests. The team follows and publicises the experience of those requesting information. Through a combination of local language ICT tools - including community radio video, public access computers and social media - Face 2 Face prompts discussion on how the RTI law can be used by everyone, monitoring how it is working in practice, based on real feedback from users.
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The Centro de Apoio à Informação e Comunicação Comunitária (CAICC) was established in 2006 as a programme to support centres engaged in information and communication at community level.
It has more than 100 community radio partners and multi-media centres nation-wide, and through its previous experience is well embedded in a range of local freedom of expression issues across Mozambique.
Face 2 Face was one of the winners at the 2015 Global Innovation Competition.
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