Understanding implementation and impact of ICT for governance initiatives
Bandung Institute of Governance Studies (BIGS)
“Openness is a basic necessity for a modern government, and a key to unlocking Indonesia’s potential in the economy and public service sector, as well as driving an increase in innovation” — Open Government Partnership
October 2015 End date
December 2016
In Indonesia, despite a significant rise in governance initiatives using ICT, there remains a significant gap between our aspirations for these initiatives, and our understanding of how they are designed, implemented and impactful.
Some of the ICT initiatives in the governance sector (or some aspects of them) successfully strengthen public accountability. However, there are also many initiatives that do not work and that aren’t sustainable.
With Indonesia’s commitments to more open, accountable and ICT-enabled government, we need to understand the patterns of success and failure of these initiatives so that future projects can learn from past mistakes.
This research explores patterns of ICT initiatives in the governance sector in Indonesia and their overall impact.
The aim is to provide evidence that can strengthen, provide direction, and inspire ICT initiatives in the governance sector, particularly those promoting government responsiveness and accountability, and the Open Data movement.
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The Bandung Institute of Governance Studies (BIGS) is a research and advocacy institution, working to create justice and welfare in Indonesia by encouraging civil society strengthening processes, democratization and development of transparent, participatory and accountable government institutions.
On 14 December 2016, BIGS hosted a discussion in Jakarta attended by participants from government, donor organisations, and national and international NGOs. They shared their key findings on what makes a successful ICT for governance programme:
- responsiveness to ICT ecosystem that envelops the programme
- the ability to identify and address disconnections
- flexible management
- 'circularity' - which ensures that ideas keep developing and evolving
- ability to make harmony between the online and offline aspects of programmes.
Read a blog about the event here.
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