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Vertically-integrated policy monitoring and advocacy initiatives in the Philippines

Ateneo School of Government

Project type Research 

Country The Philippines 

Support £45,351

In partnership with Anislagan Bantay Kalikassan Task Force, Center for Disaster Preparedness, CheckMySchool, Damayan ng Maralitang Pilipinon, G-Watch, IDS, Katarungan Rights Network, Reproductive Health Advocacy Network, Teduray Labaingan Women’s Organization, The American University
“The idea that vertical integration of local, regional and national civil society oversight offers the best potential for addressing corruption and exclusion is a proposition that is ripe for enriching” — Ateneo School of Governance

5.8 million

new units of housing will be needed in the Philippines in 2016


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Start date
October 2015
End date
September 2016
Period: 12 months


Civil society advocacy and social movements in the Philippines – in the housing, disaster risk preparedness, reproductive health, agriculture, indigenous rights and mining sectors – have achieved substantive results.

They have succeeded in passing progressive legislation, ensuring that rights-based laws are implemented, and exacting accountability for service delivery. How has the vertical integration of these campaigns influenced their success?


This research, led by the Ateneo School of Government, is the second phase of project that brings together theoretical work from IDS and empirical research funded by the American University.

In the first phase, IDS selected and documented several vertically-integrated policy monitoring and advocacy initiatives in the Philippines to see how they have achieved their objective of influencing policy change and government accountability in the country. They examined the strengths and weaknesses of these initiatives, and identified the common features that proved effective in achieving their objectives.

Building on these findings, this second phase facilitates reflection and sharing between the actors and players in the campaigns being studied. It will build theory based of the concept of vertical integration. This in turn will frame deeper and broader empirical work, involving the case actors themselves in testing tools for vertical integration in real-life multi-level advocacy initiatives.

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The Ateneo School of Government is a professional school for leadership and public service, which works with public servants to build prosperous and just communities throughout the Philippines.


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