NEWSTrac FM: Increasing effectiveness and government response to CSO campaigns…November 16, 2017
Generating data through radio polls to demand transparency and accountability
PROJECTScaling,Citizen-Government Engagement Project (CGEP)The Global Citizens’ Initiative (TGCI)
PROJECTScaling,Common Matters: radio polls for transparency and accountabilityTrac FM
PUBLICATIONBuilding an ecosystem around data: using interactive radio for accountability…
Using data from IVR and radio to make agricultural extension…
PROJECTInnovation,Making participatory budgeting a reality in KenyaFahamu Africa
PUBLICATIONExploring the potential for interactive radio to improve accountability and…
Combining radio and digital technology to aggregate farmer feedback for…
PROJECTResearch,Social accountability for ending extreme poverty: researching an advocacy strategyInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTPractitioner research,Improving government accountability and responsiveness to small-scale farmers in TanzaniaFarm Radio International
PROJECTPractitioner research,Exploring new ways of engaging women in governanceGlobal Communities
PROJECTScaling,Digital mapping & social accountability in KenyaKwale Youth and Governance Consortium
PROJECTInnovation,Tracka NigeriaBudgIT
PROJECTInnovation,The Citizens’ Justice NetworkUniversity of Witwatersrand
BLOGBuzzwords and barriers to citizen participation in GhanaBirgit Deuss
Radio and SMS as channels to connect citizens to government…
PROJECTInnovation,Opening up budgeting processes by SMS and Community RadioSavana Signatures
PROJECTScaling,SEND Ghana: Supporting open budget processesSEND Ghana
BLOGWe have to dream to innovate – but must make…Brian Paul Mnyampi
Radio + ICTs to build a community and share information
PROJECTInnovation,Face2Face: Widening Local Dialogue in MozambiqueCentro de Apoio à Informação e Comunicação Comunitária (CAICC)
PROJECTScaling,ICT for improved health & education services in GhanaPenplusbytes
PROJECTScaling,Our City, Our Say: Including women’s voices in local governanceGlobal Communities
PROJECTInnovation,Making Liberia’s child protection laws accessible for allThe Global Citizens' Initiative
PROJECTInnovation,Including women in rural governance processesCaritas Kitui