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ICT utilisation for improving citizen participation in village development planning


“Game My Village aims to help improve the quality and increase the inclusiveness of village-level participatory planning and budgeting activities. Can this innovation enable transformation at the village level?”
Start date
September 2016
End date
May 2017
Period: 9 months


Citizen participation levels in village development planning in Indonesia are mostly low, and use of data for village development planning is rare. But improving citizens' participation capacity in village development planning processes can help strengthen self-reliance by mobilising opportunities to access economic opportunities and health and education services, and to develop technological innovation.


Using a grant from Making All Voices Count, Sinergantara has created the Game My Village (GMV) tool, an ICT-based platform connected to real data – such as the budget, spatial data and conditions in a village – that allows its players to simulate their own village development.

This research project will look at the experiences and results collected so far from the use of GMV, demonstrating its suitability for replication and scaling-up. The project will gather information and stories from GMV initiators, GMV tool developers, citizens who are participants of GMV planning forums,  and other parties and policy-makers contributing to GMV adoption. This learning process intends to:

  • understand any need for improvement in the conception and adoption processes of citizen participation in village development
  • enhance existing tools and knowledge in order to offer more inclusiveness when using GMV in a variety of village contexts
  • produce village development ICT recommendations for relevant policy-makers.

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