“We believe the power of open content allows people to find out more information about their own region and to be better engaged with governance processes.” — Perkumpulan Wikimedia
Government-provided data points used to map school infrastructure
Geographic articles from Wikipedia feed into the OpenStreetMap platform
August 2014 End date
February 2016
The World Bank estimates that Indonesia received $419.2 million in aid in 2014.
Deciding how, where and on whom that money is spent - as well as monitoring whether it helps to achieve stated goals - is a huge task, and a lack of solid data means that accountability for this money is weak.
There is no central monitoring base that brings together data from stakeholders with community-level reporting from citizens across Indonesia showing whether services have been delivered, and are working.
Without this data, it is impossible to hold government and organisations to account for spending money effectively, and to support better, more impactful development projects in Indonesia.
Perkumpulan Wikimedia Indonesia and Humanitarian OpenStreetMaps have developed a toolkit to make it easier for local organisations and individuals to provide open content on their regions through Wikipedia and OpenStreetMaps.
The project aims to help organisations and government better plan and measure how public and aid money is spent by ensuring ordinary people are able to provide ongoing assessment of the changing status of services in their area.
Capitalising on high internet penetration and use of social media applications such as Facebook and Twitter, the project supports access for people who don’t communicate in the main languages of English or Bahasa, and aims to reach communities across the country.
This team hopes to provide a model for community-sourced data to guide national and international development projects, and create more sustainable, accountable spending of funds.
Related projects
Wikimedia Indonesia is dedicated to encouraging growth, development, and dissemination of knowledge in Indonesian and other languages. The organization was founded with the goal of fostering knowledge in general, and open source in particular.
The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) works with major international humanitarian organizations, such as the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders and the United Nations and government agencies, developing maps according to their specific needs in each disaster.
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