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Learning to make all voices count

Global Integrity

Project type Research 

Support £150,925

Start date
May 2016
End date
October 2017
Period: 18 months


Making All Voices Count is providing support to six partners in five countries to contribute to shaping, implementing and monitoring Open Government Partnership National Action Plans. What are the best ways of supporting these partners, and others doing similar work, to help make more progress towards open governance?


This project supports an action learning and research process which aims to strengthen the impact and effectiveness of the MAVC grantees working on the six OGP projects. It is informed by the fact that open governance reform is political and complex, so there are no blueprint approaches to making progress. Rather, pro-reform actors might benefit from a flexible approach to engaging with, navigating, and making incremental progress towards overcoming the challenges presented by their contexts.

Through a series of reflective workshops, Global Integrity will support grantees to draw lessons from their experiences, troubleshoot problems, amend their plans, and learn from each other about the best ways to support open governance reform.

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Global Integrity is a US-based non-profit that supports progress toward open and accountable governance in countries and communities around the world.

The other projects that are partners in Learning to Make All Voices Count are:

  • Monitoring and supporting the Kenyan Government to achieve its OGP commitments (CRECO, Kenya)
  • Universities and knowledge partnerships for open government (DLSU, the Philippines)
  • Deepening meaningful civil society and local government partnerships in the OGP (InciteGov, the Philippines)
  • Assessing the utilisation of e-planning and e-budgeting of sub-national governments in Indonesia (Prakarsa, Indonesia)
  • Increasing access to legal information in South Africa as a tool for strengthening access to justice (DGRU, South Africa)
  • Evaluating and shaping the OGP's engagement in Tanzania (Oxfam / Tamasha, Tanzania)



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