Participatory budgeting and planning
PUBLICATIONParticipatory budgeting: adoption and transformation
Does participatory budgeting deliver? Experiences from seven countries
NEWSLENGGO: Public budget tracking holds Kenyan county governments to accountNovember 15, 2017
Amplifying citizen voices in budget-making processes
NEWSGame My Village: Improving and inspiring village participatory planning in…October 18, 2017
Building relationships of trust and transparency between villagers and local…
PUBLICATIONBudget oversight and accountability in Nigeria: what incentivises digital and…
Raising awareness of the right of access to budgeting information…
BLOGPractitioner reflections on the diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgeting…Ahmad Rifai
Lessons in participatory budgeting from Indonesia
BLOGChronicling the expansion and contraction of participatory budgeting in Asia…Brian Wampler, Michael Touchton, Osmany Porto de Oliveira
How has participatory budgeting been adapted to different contexts of…
BLOGInsights that will last: making innovation projects countCzarina Medina-Guce
Ways to make lessons learned endure beyond the innovation project…
PROJECTScaling,Promoting access to timely and reliable budget informationInternational Budget Partnership Kenya (IBP)
PUBLICATIONWhat data do we want? Understanding demands for open data…
There is demand for data, but also for dialogue between…
PROJECTResearch,The diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgetingBoise State University
PROJECTInnovation,Making participatory budgeting a reality in KenyaFahamu Africa
PUBLICATIONImproving the transparency, inclusivity and impact of participatory budgeting in…
Participatory budgeting to empower citizens and strengthen the capacity of…
PUBLICATIONParticipatory budgeting in Indonesia: past, present and future
Participatory budgeting in Indonesia: technical exercise or space for citizen…
PROJECTPractitioner research,ICT utilisation for improving citizen participation in village development planningSinergantara
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Open government: assessing the utilisation of e-planning and e-budgeting of…Perkumpulan Prakarsa Indonesia
PROJECTScaling,Citizen Action Network for Accountability (CANA)Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR)
PROJECTPractitioner research,Improving the transparency, inclusivity and impact of participatory budgeting in…Kota Kita
PROJECTPractitioner research,Citizen-generated data in the information ecosystem and sustainable developmentDevelopment Initiatives
PROJECTResearch,Promoting accountability of Village Law implementation through an ICT-based forum…PATTIRO - Center for Regional Information and Studies
PROJECTInnovation,A new model for municipal planning processesEastern Cape NGO Coalition
BLOGWhat’s on paper vs. what actually works: ‘citizen engagement processes’…Varyanne Sika
How to make Kenya's county budget forums functional
PROJECTScaling,SEND Ghana: Supporting open budget processesSEND Ghana
PROJECTScaling,Tracking of County budgetsLocal Empowerment for Good Governance (LENGGO)
PROJECTInnovation,Check My BarangayANSA–EAP
PROJECTScaling,Every Voice: SMS to monitor gaps in public health servicesInternational Rescue Committee
PROJECTInnovation,Game My VillageSinergantara
PROJECTScaling,Justice and peace actors as catalysts of changeCatholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD)