Open Government Partnership
BLOGSupporting local learning and adaptation – Unpacking the effectiveness of…Michael Moses and Sue Soal
What do adaptive processes look like in practice?
PUBLICATIONLearning to Make All Voices Count: Lessons for OGP, donors,…
Learning from the evidence on Open Government Partnership
PUBLICATIONLearning to make all voices count: Lessons and reflections on…
Participatory, learning-centred and adaptive approaches to strengthening citizen engagement
BLOGCzarina Medina-Guce: The social innovator proving that #opengov works
Insights from a social innovator on troubleshooting national governance platforms…
BLOGLearning to make the political personal, and other lessons from…Michael Moses and Sue Soal
The challenge of engaging with local contexts for OGP implementation
PUBLICATIONCountry overview Philippines
Using technology to complement existing citizen engagement structures
PUBLICATIONOpen Government Plan 2011-2015, Uruguay
New ways of citizen agency in the digital era in…
PUBLICATIONNew pathways for citizen agency: Open Government National Action Plans…
Are ICT-supported citizen engagement processes transforming democratic governance in Uruguay
BLOGLearning to Make All Voices Count: Pursuing openness through iterative…Michael Moses and Sue Shoal
Structured, iterative approaches to programming for open government champions
BLOGTechnology and transformed governance in IndonesiaFajri Siregar & Larastri Kumaralalita
Increasing citizen participation in government decision-making
BLOGPolitical language and political action: An OGP lesson for South…Gabriella Razzano
Where now for engaging the OGP in South Africa?
PROJECTPractitioner research,Evaluating and shaping the OGP’s engagement in TanzaniaOxfam and Tamasha
BLOGOpening governance with a new generation in LiberiaBlair Glencorse and Heather Gilberds
Incentives, impact and progress of the accountability agenda in Liberia
PUBLICATIONMaking coordination a catalyst for the Open Government Partnership in…
Enhancing interdepartmental coordination for Open Government Partnership (OGP) implementation
PROJECTResearch,Learning to make all voices countGlobal Integrity
PROJECTPractitioner research,Monitoring and supporting the Kenyan government to achieve its OGP…Constitution and Reform Education Consortium (CRECO)
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Deepening meaningful civil society and local government partnerships in the…INCITEGov
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Universities and knowledge partnerships for open governmentJesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance (JRIG)
PROJECTInnovation, Practitioner research,Increasing access to legal information in South AfricaDemocratic Governance and Rights Unit (DGRU)
BLOGConnecting the dots: pushing forward the implementation of OGP commitmentsGabriella Razzano
Open data needs government departments to coordinate
BLOGLearning to Make All Voices Count across the world: six…Michael Moses
Adaptive learning and progress towards open governance
PUBLICATIONConnecting the dots: The coordination challenge for the Open Government…
Coordination of government departments to share data
PROJECTPractitioner research,Cooperation: the vital missing ingredient in the government open data…Open Democracy Advice Centre
PROJECTInnovation,Opening up ‘Open Governance’ in South AfricaOpen Democracy Advice Centre (ODAC)
BLOGOpen government or new boys’ club?Duncan Edwards
Reflections on inclusion in open governance
NEWSNew Voices in Indonesia’s Open Government JourneyJanuary 05, 2016
NEWSTalking Inclusion at OGP: Is the digital divide preventing inclusive…October 30, 2015
BLOGOGP Summit ends with backslapping, but the real achievement was…Carol Morgan
Room for argument and influence at the Open Government Partnership
BLOGFour encouraging signs from OGP’s Civil Society Day, and one…Carol Morgan
Still a huge gulf between the tech haves and have-nots
BLOG#OGP15 – Is ‘open government’ really open?Carol Morgan
Re-defining openness as a tool for change
PROJECTScaling,Confronting e-procurement corruption through open dataIndonesia Corruption Watch
BLOGOpen government: Top-down needs bottom-upChris Underwood
Reaching beyond the usual suspects