PUBLICATIONThe Free State Housing Campaign: supporting people-led demands for social…
BLOGSupporting local learning and adaptation – Unpacking the effectiveness of…Michael Moses and Sue Soal
What do adaptive processes look like in practice?
NEWSMOPA: How an app generates data that help clean-up MaputoNovember 16, 2017
Improving Maputo's waste collection through participatory monitoring
PUBLICATIONInnovations to engage youth in accountability work in Liberia
Improving Liberia’s accountability though youth engagement
NEWSResearch, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – September 2017September 19, 2017
PUBLICATIONDo more empowered citizens make more accountable states? Power and…
Reframing organisational identity and legitimacy as crucial in shaping the…
BLOGInsights that will last: making innovation projects countCzarina Medina-Guce
Ways to make lessons learned endure beyond the innovation project…
BLOGMore accountable systems for tackling sexual abuse and rape in…Ash Hartwell
Combating child sexual abuse and gender-based violence in Liberia
PROJECTScaling,Citizen-Government Engagement Project (CGEP)The Global Citizens’ Initiative (TGCI)
PUBLICATIONMore accountable and responsive governance: how do technologies help make…
Accountable and responsive governance - seven streams of tech-enabled change
PROJECTInnovation,Tushirikiane project: Following up on election promises to improve service…Jamii Media Company Ltd
PROJECTScaling,Promoting access to timely and reliable budget informationInternational Budget Partnership Kenya (IBP)
PUBLICATIONOne step to a thousand miles: building accountability in Liberia
Lessons for enabling accountability and integrity in Liberia
PROJECTGlobal Innovation Competition,Innovating advocacy for truth and justiceAcehnese Civil Society Task Force (ACSTF)
PROJECTInnovation,Empowering the indigenous peoples’ community towards responsible miningBantay Kita
PROJECTResearch,The diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgetingBoise State University
PUBLICATIONShifting the spotlight: understanding crowdsourcing intermediaries in transparency and accountability…
Exploring the role of crowdsourcing intermediaries as gatekeepers of citizen…
PROJECTInnovation,Monitoring government development projects at local levelTransGov Ghana
BLOGBridging the gap: Churches and communities engaging for accountable governanceCiana-Marie Pegus
Research on churches, community advocacy and government accountability in Uganda…
PROJECTScaling,Connect-Tech: Connecting citizens and government through technologyYowzit - Scale Up
PUBLICATIONBridging the gap: the role of local churches in fostering…
Churches as intermediaries in fostering local government accountability in Uganda
PROJECTPractitioner research,How local churches foster local-level social accountability and governanceTearfund
PROJECTPractitioner research,Improving government accountability and responsiveness to small-scale farmers in TanzaniaFarm Radio International
PROJECTResearch,How public are public reporting tools?Centre for Innovation Policy and Governance (CIPG)
PROJECTResearch,Reconceptualising intermediationInstitute of Development Studies
PROJECTScaling,MobiSAMRhodes University
PROJECTInnovation,Supporting public participation in Kenya’s justice systemInternational Commission of Jurists (ICJ) Kenya
PROJECTInnovation,Stop Stock OutsSouthern Africa HIV Clinicians Society (SAHCS)
PROJECTScaling,Digital mapping & social accountability in KenyaKwale Youth and Governance Consortium
PROJECTInnovation,Helping Pakistani youth demand better governanceAccountability Lab
PROJECTScaling,Resilience and response to natural disasters in the PhilippinesANSA-EAP
PROJECTScaling,SEND Ghana: Supporting open budget processesSEND Ghana
PROJECTInnovation,Suara Kita – Our VoiceWomen Youth & Development Institute of Indonesia (WYDII)
PROJECTScaling,Tracking of County budgetsLocal Empowerment for Good Governance (LENGGO)
PROJECTInnovation,Making national governance platforms locally accessibleUnion of Local Authorities of the Philippines
PROJECTScaling,Cek Sekolah-Ku: Check my schoolTransparency International
PROJECTInnovation,Face2Face: Widening Local Dialogue in MozambiqueCentro de Apoio à Informação e Comunicação Comunitária (CAICC)
PROJECTScaling,ICT for improved health & education services in GhanaPenplusbytes
NEWSData Driven Decisions: Connecting Women With Health Services in PakistanAugust 24, 2015
PROJECTInnovation,Open data on how and where public money is spentOverseas Development Institute (ODI) Uganda
PROJECTInnovation,Transforming Indonesia’s child protection systemSave the Children
PROJECTInnovation,Making Liberia’s child protection laws accessible for allThe Global Citizens' Initiative
PROJECTInnovation,Creating new forms of interaction between governments & citizensGEM - Going the Extra Mile
PROJECTInnovation,Including women in rural governance processesCaritas Kitui
PROJECTInnovation,BSDU: Data-driven government services in PakistanBahawalpur Service Delivery Unit
PROJECTScaling,Black Sash: Improving local health services with community-based monitoringThe Black Sash Trust
PROJECTInnovation,Reducing Maternal Mortality through SMSSinergantara
PUBLICATIONOn speaking, mediation, representation and listening
What is citizen voice, and how can it be supported?
PUBLICATIONThe question of inclusiveness
Reflections on inclusion in ICT-mediated citizen engagement