NEWSOil Journey: Following the money from oil revenue to improve…October 23, 2017
Revealing to Ghanaians how much money the government makes from…
NEWSTIMBY: Evidence-based reporting of environmental crimes in LiberiaOctober 20, 2017
Mixing solid data gathering and creative storytelling for accountability
BLOGAnjali Nayar: A storyteller that innovates for social change
Making the collection and sharing of data easy so communities…
BLOG‘Winning’ the elections using tech4gov: Are voters willing to buy…- Faran Mahmood
Using technology to gauge Pakistan's public opinion in real-time
PUBLICATIONOne step to a thousand miles: building accountability in Liberia
Lessons for enabling accountability and integrity in Liberia
BLOGAre ‘small’ stories the key to making sense of big…Anastasia-Areti Gavrili
A Liberian community using tech to document the real cost…
PROJECTInnovation,The Public Protector CampaignCorruption Watch
PROJECTInnovation,The Cold Water HotlineSearch for Common Ground
PROJECTInnovation,Ending abuse of pre-trial detention practices in LiberiaEast-West Management Institute
PROJECTScaling,Mobile Drug Tracking SystemTransparency International, Kenya
PROJECTInnovation,This is My Back Yard (TIMBY)Platypus Productions
PROJECTScaling,Confronting e-procurement corruption through open dataIndonesia Corruption Watch