PUBLICATIONThe Free State Housing Campaign: supporting people-led demands for social…
NEWSTrac FM: Increasing effectiveness and government response to CSO campaigns…November 16, 2017
Generating data through radio polls to demand transparency and accountability
PUBLICATIONDo more empowered citizens make more accountable states? Power and…
Reframing organisational identity and legitimacy as crucial in shaping the…
PUBLICATIONCitizen participation and the rise of the Open Source City…
How cities in Spain are working towards citizen participation through…
BLOGYouth in Action: How Jakarta can say “No” to disasterOpen Data Labs
Increasing young citizens’ awareness of the potential danger should a…
PROJECTScaling,Common Matters: radio polls for transparency and accountabilityTrac FM
PROJECTInnovation,Free State Housing CampaignQholaqhwe Advice Centre
PROJECTPractitioner research,Action research on the Free State Housing CampaignQholaqhwe Advice Centre
PUBLICATIONGoing vertical: citizen-led reform campaigns in the Philippines
Learning from successful vertically integrated civil society-led reform campaigns in…
BLOGBridging traditional and digital activism: re-thinking political participationMonica Nthiga
Partnerships, persuasion and political knowledge to create social movements for…
PUBLICATIONThe quest for citizen-led accountability: looking into the state
Engaging, challenging and building alliances with government in order to…
PUBLICATIONCampaigning for the rights of indigenous peoples
Applying vertical integration methods to represent indigenous people’s rights and…
PUBLICATIONEngaging with local communities to prevent violence: what role for…
Can ICTs prevent violence in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda?
BLOGCitizen journalism in the Philippines: public pressure for public accountabilityAnastasia-Areti Gavrili
Supporting citizens to learn journalism skills
PROJECTResearch,How does social division stop marginalised people in Kenya from…Institute of Development Studies
PROJECTResearch,Vertically-integrated policy monitoring and advocacy initiatives in the PhilippinesAteneo School of Government
PROJECTInnovation,The Public Protector CampaignCorruption Watch
NEWSBuilding up Pressure for Social ChangeDecember 09, 2015
Different groups, but one single message to affect social change…
PROJECTInnovation,Helping women to challenge government performance in South
NEWSMaking Online Spaces Safe for Women in PakistanJuly 30, 2015
BLOGDisengaged South African youth? 10,000 members of VIP say otherwiseMelissa Mbugua
Giving voice to South Africa's youth in national politics
BLOGSupporting land rights for South Africa’s farm workersPrecious Greehy
Ongoing struggles to secure land rights of local communities
BLOGUsing ICTs to support local responses to conflict and violenceSteven Leach, Richard Smith, Chas Morrison and Laura Payne
How to promote the dynamic of inter-communal trust