The Research and Evidence component aims to understand the impact of the use of technology to promote responsive, accountable governance, so that lessons can be applied to future policy and practice.
We generate this research and evidence through two types of grant:
- Practitioner research and learning grants: Supporting governance practitioners and tech innovators to carry out self-critical enquiry into their own experiences and contexts. These grants produce practice papers and research reports.
- Research grants: Supporting applied and academic researchers to carry out research on priority themes and issues. In particular, a set of research grants to IDS researchers are intended to inform our theory of change and make sure we are up to date with developments in practice, knowledge and evidence across the field. These grants produce research reports and summaries, and journal articles.
Check out our publications page for lessons from our current research projects.
PROJECTResearch,The diffusion and adaptation of participatory budgeting
Boise State University
Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, The Philippines, -
PROJECTResearch,Citizen use of digital tools to effect government responsiveness
Institute of Development Studies
The Philippines, -
PROJECTPractitioner research,Map Kibera: Learning from six years of digital citizen engagement
Ground Truth Initiative
Kenya, -
PROJECTPractitioner research,ICT utilisation for improving citizen participation in village development planning
Appropriating technology for accountability: messages from Making All Voices Count
RESEARCH REPORT14 messages on the roles technologies can play in enabling citizen voice and accountable and responsive governance
The effect of civic leadership training on citizen engagement and government responsiveness: experimental evidence from the Philippines
RESEARCH REPORTCivic leadership training as a pathway to more accountable governance
The art of ‘bureaucraft’: Why and how bureaucrats respond to citizen voice
RESEARCH SUMMARYWhat makes reformist public officials respond to citizens
Poverty, voice and advocacy: a Haitian study
RESEARCH REPORTChallenges in making policy processes responsible to poor people's voices