Date added: November 14, 2016
Making All Voices Count is an international initiative that harnesses the power of innovation and new technologies to support effective, accountable governance.
Working in 12 countries across Africa and Asia, the programme funds new ideas that amplify the voices of citizens, and enable governments to listen and respond.
At its core, Making All Voices Count is also a learning programme, exploring the role technology can play in securing responsive, accountable government and building an evidence base on what works and what doesn’t.
During its fourth year, MAVC has demonstrated achievements, actual and emerging outcomes at three levels:
- Greater responsiveness and accountability in governments in terms of improved service delivery, avoidance of waste or corruption, and the transparency and answerability of government or state agencies to citizens
- Changes in governance cultures, to make them more open, safe and conducive to citizen engagement, government responsiveness and in some cases ultimately co-governance
- Knowledge of what works, and of how it works in tech-enabled approaches to accountability and responsiveness in governance, as MAVC’s long-term legacy.
About this publication
Publication year 2017
Page length 27 pages
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