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Cross-sector mapping for resiliency

Celina Agaton

Project type Innovation 

Country The Philippines 

Support £42,500

Country Engagement Developer Vivien Enrique Suerte

“Cross-sector mapping provides disadvantaged and marginalised communities with the opportunity to have a voice and make their needs known publicly” — Celina Agaton

13 million

people in the Philippines affected by cyclones in 2014


most disaster-affected country in the world

Start date
June 2015
End date
November 2016
Period: 18 months


According to the Global Climate Risk Index 2014, the Philippines is one of the countries most affected by natural disasters, including seasonal typhoons, storm surges, floods, landslides, drought, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

However, information about how communities are responding to disasters, the needs they want addressed by government planning agencies and the capacity they have to respond to disasters is simply not available in one place.

Agencies that do share information about available resources and the types of response they are planning often share it in a format that is not easily accessible to the public, or worse, don’t share it at all - meaning that communities have little or no say in how their government plans to protect them against the natural disasters that are a fact of life in the Philippines.


With the Cross-Sector Mapping for Resiliency project, Celina Agaton aims at creating a centralised, free and open data platform that will visualise data on disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptability, sustainable livelihoods and community resilience.

Through the combination of data, maps and citizen reporting, the platform will help government, businesses, NGOs and community groups work together to create disaster resilience plans that work for the community and are available publicly to the community.

Starting with two of the most high-risk provinces in the Philippines, the project will use OpenStreetMap to create a new, disaster-focused mapping. Working with colleges, citizens, business, government and NGOs, the team will map roads, cell phone towers, schools and other community projects in order to better coordinate the flow of aid and information on an ongoing basis.


Celina Agaton creates programs, technology tools and events that enhance cross-sector civic and community engagement. A Google and USAID Fellow for the 2013 International Conference of Crisis Mappers, Celina won the Making All Voices Count and Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East Asia and Pacific (ANSA-EAP) #EdTech competition for innovation in technology for resilience in 2014.

For this project, Celina Agaton is working with OpenStreetMap Philippines and SkyeEye.