News | June 25, 2014

Making All Voices Count is a programme born out of the global movement for openness, transparency and accountability.

We work towards a world in which open, effective and participatory governance is the norm and not the exception. Inspired by the Open Government Partnership, we too believe that good ideas come from everywhere.

Open Knowledge Festival 2014

We put this into action during our Global Innovation Competition, which allowed for anyone, anywhere with a good idea to enter, at our Learning & Inspiration Event, where we invited partners, as well as experts in the field to share ideas and challenge projects, as well as our programme, and recently at a conference of academics focused on governance, technology and open data, where we invited participants to critique our theory of change.

In line with the Open Knowledge Foundation, we believe knowledge creates power for the many, not the few. That data frees us to make informed choices about how we live, what we buy and who gets our vote. And we strive for a world where information and insights are accessible — and apparent — to everyone.

At the Open Knowledge Festival in Berlin, July 15-17 we are proud to be support the following five sessions., as well as the Open Development Fringe Event. As Director of Global Action Chris Underwood explains:

We’re delighted to be supporting this opportunity to broker discussions between drivers of innovation who sometimes, but not always, talk to each other. Social activists, government officials, business folk and techies all have a vital role to play. We hope the debate at OKFest leads to real partnerships for change.

July 16

· 11.45 Get Creative: Crafting & Conveying your Message through Grafitti.

· 12.00 Using Open Data to Follow the Money; What’s been done? What needs doing?

· 14.00 Power, Politics, Inclusion and Voice.

· 16.30 Can Open Data go Wrong?

July 17

· 12.00 Money, Politics & Transparency

July 18

· 9.30 – 17.00 Open Development OKFestival Fringe Event 

For more information on the Open Knowledge Festival and the programme see here.
