Event | February 13, 2017

The panel discussion will reflect on the prospects and challenges for open government reforms in the Philippines after its recent elections.

Panelists will discuss government-led reforms in light of political transitions, gleaning from a recent G-Watch/Making All Voices Count study of citizen-led reform initiatives, Going vertical: citizen-led reform campaigns in the Philippines (December 2016). These seven issue-based advocacy campaigns involved diverse, broad-based civic and social actors, engaged with multiple levels and branches of government. These initiatives emphasized citizen power, to generate scale and sustainability. Now, the uncertain future of open government reforms in the Philippines raises questions about how citizen power can promote more sustainable change.


  • Joy Aceron, Convenor/Reboot Lead, G-Watch; National Researcher - Philippines, Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM), Open Government Partnership (OGP)
  • Joseph Foti, Program Director, Independent Reporting Mechanism, Open Government Partnership
  • Rose Nierras, Director of Country Strategies, International Budget Partnership


  • Dr Jonathan Fox, Director of Accountability Research Center and Professor, School of International Service, American University

Date: Monday 13 February 2017

Time: 12:00 – 14:00  EST

Place: OpenGov Hub, 1110 Vermont Avenue Northwest #500, Washington DC
