Our final event, Appropriating Technology for Accountability, will bring together practitioners, researchers, government officials and donors to critically reflect on some of what we have learned from over 170 innovation and research projects Making All Voices Count has supported. We will be asking
- What roles do technologies play in citizen voice and transparency for achieving accountable and responsive governance?
- What has MAVC learnt about supporting work in the field of citizen voice, transparency and accountability?
We’ll be looking at these questions in 5 plenary sessions
- What roles do and don’t technologies play in citizen voice and transparency for achieving accountable and responsive governance?
- Tech as part of the mix
- Technologies and tech-led approaches
- Governance actors, processes and relationships
- Lessons for the Open Government Partnership
Over the last four and a half years Making All Voices Count has supported innovative projects for harnessing the power of new technologies to efforts that aim to enable citizen engagement and make government more effective, responsive and accountable.
The aim of Making All Voices Count has not only been to bring about change during the lifetime of the programme. We are also leaving a legacy of learning. There will be future governance programmes that seek to capitalise on the transformative potential of innovation and technology. They legacy from our programme can help to make these future programmes more informed, inclusive, impactful and evidence-based.
This event is by invitation only, but we will be sharing the discussions on Twitter: #AllVoicesCount.
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