
What we do in Pakistan

Over the last decade, devolution in Pakistan has significantly changed government structures. The main responsibility for delivering essential services in education, health, water and infrastructure has been devolved to local governments, with the aim of bringing government closer to citizens and improving public services.

However, change is slow: almost 60 million Pakistanis are still living below the poverty line and half of all adults are illiterate. Distribution of essential government services remains uneven across the country, and perceptions of corruption at all levels of government is high.

Partnering with government, civil society, NGOs, researchers, and actors in the technology sector, Making All Voices Count is focussed on improving accountable governance in Pakistan. Our work supports projects at the national and local level, with the aim of widening opportunities for ordinary people to have a voice in how their government is run, and supporting government to listen and respond.

“Four fifths of Pakistanis view corruption in their government as widespread - DFID 2013”