NEWSResearch, Evidence and Learning Newsletter – September 2017September 19, 2017
PUBLICATIONVoice or chatter? Making ICTs work for transformative citizen engagement:…
Using ICT-mediated citizen engagement to promote democratic governance
PUBLICATIONVoice or chatter? Making ICTs work for transformative citizen engagement
ICT-mediated citizen engagement can promote democratic governance and amplify citizen…
BLOGChronicling the expansion and contraction of participatory budgeting in Asia…Brian Wampler, Michael Touchton, Osmany Porto de Oliveira
How has participatory budgeting been adapted to different contexts of…
PUBLICATIONMarco Civil vs.Copyright Reform: a comparative study
Innovative experiences in the use of ICTs for improving citizen…
PUBLICATIONCountry overview Brazil
An overview of the state of art of ICT-mediated citizen…
PUBLICATIONA tale of two consultations: online participatory practices in Brazil
Public consultations in Brazil in a declining participatory environment
PUBLICATIONFeatured Research Now Available from Making All Voices Count
A sample of featured research reports and practice papers from…
PUBLICATIONThe quest for citizen-led accountability: looking into the state
Engaging, challenging and building alliances with government in order to…
BLOGVoice or chatter: towards new meanings of citizen engagementDeepti Bharthur
Conditions that shape ICT-mediated citizen engagement
PUBLICATIONTransforming governance: how can technology help reshape democracy?
How to incorporate new technologies into public decision making
PROJECTResearch,Voice or chatter? Developing a theory of ICT-mediated citizen engagementIT for Change
PUBLICATIONWhen does ICT-enabled citizen voice lead to government responsiveness?
Review of evidence on the use of ICT platforms to…