Event | August 2, 2015 - August 10, 2015

On June 30, the Jakarta City Government, together with Making All Voices Count, launched HackJak2015.  HackJak2015 is an app development competition that uses data from the Jakarta Municipal Government’s Open Data portal (data.jakarta.go.id)

#HackJak2015 aims to produce 100 apps, 180 open datasets, and 50 infographics in 7 days. For each category, there will be three winners.

  • Hackathon: a competition for app developers and uses the Jakarta Open Data portal and other official government sources
  • Scrapathon: ’s data sources into reusable, open format data
  • Visualthon: a competition for user-friendly infographics that would be suitable for the presentation of Jakarta municipal services from the Open Data Jakarta portal.

The #HackJak2015 competition itself will involve 30 jurors who are experienced professionals, civil servants, CSOs and academics. The organizers have set a target of 430 participants that will include students, practitioners, app developer start-ups, and graphic designers among others.
