Event | May 14, 2014

Collaboration and learning to unlock the potential of new tools

Tech Strategies that Support Successful Accountability Projects: TABridge Webinar

Have you implemented a technology project only to find that it had very little impact on your accountability work?  Today, adopting technology for use in transparency and accountability work is relatively cheap and easy.  The internet has already helped the movement deploy web-based maps, engage citizens via mobiles and apps that streamline public service delivery accountability and document corruption. However in this dizzying flurry of activity it’s quite easy to get absorbed in the potential available at one’s fingertips and be blinded by the glittering promise of technology utopia.

In this TABridge Webinar Making All Voices Count's Rosemary McGee and  FairPlay Alliance's Eva Vozárová will speak about technology projects that have helped increase their ability to impact accountability.

Find out more here.

Register for the event here. 

When: Wednesday the 14th of May, at 14:00 GMT.
